Yijian ZHOU


This is Yijian's Academic Homepage

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About me:

I am a geoscientist working on seismicity, fault zone physics, and slow earthquakes. A set of detection and location codes can be found on my GitHub. My recent research activities are posted on Twitter, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar

Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate in UC Riverside, working with Abhijit Ghosh

More about me:





News and Events

[2024.05] I Got the SSA student presentation award!
Did’t even remember I participate, but it’s so lucky to get it: I’ll no longer be a Ph.D. student :)

[2024.04] Finished manuscript on LoSAR, finally …
I think the earthquake cataloging problem is solved to a satisfactory degree, and I can mentally move on to sooooo many other interesting projects!

[2023.12] AGU at SF
Good to see AGU getting beck to its pre-COVID state, and I’m able to meet my Chinese friends

[2023.07] Summer Intern at LLNL
Our lab do not support students during summer, but LLNL pays well!

[2023.06] Back to China for a short visit!
My classmates have begun their search for positions in academia, a challenging endeavor, yet their unwavering passion for research remains undiminished.

[2023.05] The EQS paper on 2023 Turkey aftershock catalog is accepted
This is my first rapid response to an event of international attention. Several encouraging details to name:
(1) The twitter I posted got wide recognition
(2) Prof. Anthony Lomax also extends appreciations to my results!
(3) I have one more reliable collaborator, Hongyang Ding, a 1st-year PhD from PKU

[2023.05] I received the Roland Blanchard Award in our department!
The 24W quarter will be my first quarter without being TA :)

[2023.03] The SRL paper on 2022 Luding earthquake is accepted after being rejected by Science China last year :)
This is my first second- & corresponding-author paper, meaning that it is completed with my hands-on supervision

[2023.03] The GJI paper on fault zone head waves in Anninghe-Zemuhe fault zone is accepted
After this training, our first author, Longtan Wang, is now a beast!